How to Prepare Your Organization with Data-Centric CUI Protection from Virtru
CMMC: Future-Proofing the Defense Industrial Base
The importance of cybersecurity to the defense industrial base (DIB) and supply chain has become increasingly
apparent in recent years. Emerging digital capabilities have advanced research, engineering, development,
production, and operations initiatives, fortifying Department of Defense (DoD) systems, networks, capabilities,
and services and ultimately strengthening national security.
Digital capabilities have also opened new attack vectors for US adversaries. Cloud networks, Internet of
Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have added billions of new devices and network nodes to the cyber
domain, and as these technologies accelerate, the cyber domain becomes an even more compelling target for
espionage. Without standardized security practices and procedures across the DIB, malicious cyber activities
threaten to weaken not only US national security but global trade as a whole.