Remote management: 3 key principles on how to rise to the challenge

Many managers who are used to face-to-face management feel lost when it comes to a remote approach. But remember: remote management is still management!

It took just a few months to transform remote management from something anecdotal to an everyday reality for millions of employees. 

Many managers who are used to face-to-face management feel lost when it comes to a remote approach. But remember: remote management is still management! Whether face-to-face or remote, employees’ basic needs, including a need for meaning and recognition, remain the same. The real difference stems from the fact that geographical distance exacerbates these needs. Managers must therefore respond with what could be called augmented management. In practice, this involves being more thorough in terms of managerial rituals, being more attentive to employees’ needs and giving employees more of an energy boost when talking with them. In short, good remote managers understand that their teams should be their priority, now more than ever! 
