Customer – centric utilities put their field service teams first

Customer expectations for utilities continue to rise. In response, utilities are reimagining what it means to be customer-centric. They are focusing on ways to enhance the customer experience as part of their business strategy.

This includes field service, which is often the customer’s only in-person connection with their utility provider. Every interaction matters.

This study asked more than 200 utility professionals this question: How important is the work of field service staff in achieving utility customer-centricity objectives?

Included in this Contents

  • Why field service matters to customer-centricity
  • Recommended actions utilities can take to support customer- centric field service
  • Invest in your field service team
  • Tackle challenges that impact field service operations
  • Embrace automation to improve efficiencies
  • Empower field service with mobile capabilities
  • Retain and recruit workers by improving their day-to-day work
  • Optimized field service in action

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Author: Pivotal Customer