How to Grow Your Audience in the Changing Media Landscape

The media industry is no stranger to change. New technology is shifting how audiences engage with and consume content, and media companies are hard-pressed to adapt to these changes at the pace audiences expect.

Always connected, audiences seek full access to content whenever they want and on whichever device they want — posing new challenges and new opportunities for media companies.

Over-the-top (OTT) media companies like Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon compete with traditional media companies by delivering easily accessible content over the internet directly to the consumer. This takes away the many intermediaries that stand between the content producers, studios, distributors, and their audience. By controlling content and distribution, such companies have a direct link to the customer, facilitating audience takeover and giving them a rapidly increasing share of the market.

In order to stay competitive, media companies need to fundamentally change the way they do business. By bridging the gap between content and audience, personalizing customer journeys, and activating loyal audiences, media companies can capitalize on the industry disruption.

Continue reading to learn how to grow your audience in the changing media landscape.

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Author: Pivotal Customer