Financial Firms Fight Back

Financial Services Case Study Booklet

Banks, credit unions, lenders, fintechs, and other financial firms of all kinds are expected to grow, optimize their costs, and increase revenue regardless of any external challenges and competitive business environments. They need all the allies they can find, and artificial intelligence can make a big difference.

Among all disruptive forms of technology, AI has perhaps been the most heralded as an ally for financial
firms. Teams that see its value and cut through the hype by understanding it as a means to achieve the truly consequential (yet relatively simple!) end of automation are poised to emerge as true leaders in their fields.

The power of automation lies precisely in its ability to help solve the most pervasive problems facing organizations—those that affect virtually every operational component. Among these problems, digital fraud is perhaps the most widespread in modern financial services:

A recent survey of more than 250 respondents found that 81% of banks see digital fraud as the top
concern with respect to the global economy. 1

In this case study booklet, you’ll find first-hand accounts of how five key financial services companies partnered with DataVisor to gain full control of their fraud exposure and protect their business and their clients by leveraging AI-powered automation coupled with the most advanced fraud and risk management platform.

By doing so, they were able to directly impact the three goals they care most about:

  • Growing sustainably by controlling fraud. Through AI-powered automation and advanced fraud
    management tools, financial firms can grow their business operations without increasing the size of their fraud teams. It’s all about empowering fraud professionals of all levels to do more and work smarter.
  • Reducing costs by preventing fraud attacks. Proactively detecting and acting on fraud before losses
    materializes directly translates into a healthier cost structure. On top of this, the right fraud management platform can reduce total costs of ownership for financial firms.
  • Increasing revenue by managing risk exposure. By coupling AI with advanced analytics and decisioning tools, financial firms can launch new products, enter new markets, and attract new customers while remaining protected against fraud from day one.

And these are just a few examples…

DataVisor’s secret is a comprehensive approach that delivers all the tools financial firms need to fight fraud in a single, flexible, and self-serve solution. Powered by machine learning at its core and extensible across use cases, it seamlessly integrates any data source (incl. 3rd party data) and combines rules engine, device intelligence, decision engine and case management to boost detection and minimize fraud losses.

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Author: Pivotal Customer