Contact Center and Web Customer Experience Megatrends and Next Practices

These are interesting times for contact center and web customer experience executives. As the rise of the Internet (and now, mobile Internet) and social networks collide with forces of globalization, contact centers find themselves in the eye of the storm. They are buffeted by powerful winds of change, ranging from the dramatic migration of most phone business to the Web in some industries (almost 80% of retail trades are now conducted over the web in brokerage firms) to the high-profile outsourcing of agent positions to low-cost countries. To add to it, CxOs are redefining expectations from their contact center operations as they seek to build competitive advantage through distinctive customer service. This white paper discusses the eight megatrends transforming contact centers and web customer experience organizations today.

Resistance is futile. Taking a passive stance is like trying to ignore a tsunami. Megatrends are not fads; they won’t go away after a while. The trick is to embrace change and stay ahead of these trends instead of getting swept away.

Ideas to help you shine. Megatrends present unique opportunities to add strategic value to your business, reposition yourself, gain visibility and turbo-charge your career. As a leading provider of contact center solutions, eGain works with large as well as midsized contact center and customer service operations. In this paper, we share our unique ringside

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Author: Pivotal Customer