8 Sales Productivity Pitfalls

Sales team spends too much time in tools.

Sales teams use an average of 10 tools —from reporting to contact management to forecasting — according to our State of Sales report. Many of these tools come on different platforms, creating a disjointed patchwork of different data, fields, and dashboards.

Sellers are feeling the pain. Two-thirds said they feel overwhelmed. It’s hard to be productive when you’re toggling back and forth between point solutions to get the job done, and all that time spent in tools means less time spent with customers.

Solution: Consolidate your tools to lower your costs and give your reps time back to spend with customers.

You’ll be joining the 94% of sales teams that plan to simplify their tech stack in the next 12 months. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Inventory your tools. You may find that functionality overlaps between some tools, and that you’re not fully using others
  2. Prioritize your multifunction tools over single- function tools. Make the most of tools with multiple features, so reps don’t have to switch so often
  3. Where possible, remove point solutions and seldom-used tools. Eliminate multiple platforms to reduce time-wasting tasks like redundant data reentry, driving productivity for the team.

Included Contents in this e-Book

  • Sellers don’t know when to advance customers to the next stage in the pipeline.
  • Sellers aren’t tapping the full potential of their territories.
  • It takes reps too long to get quotes approved.
  • Sellers need team support to close, but can’t get alignment.
  • Sales managers have limited time for coaching.
  • The team doesn’t know if the enablement program is working.

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Author: Pivotal Customer