The CallMiner Churn Index 2020

Two years ago, we commissioned a survey to find out why US consumers leave providers. What we uncovered was a switching epidemic –with call centers playing a pivotal role in whether consumers stay loyal or decide to switch.

This year, we decided to repeat the exercise to see what’s changed. We hoped that providers had changed their behavior, and we expected to see increasing levels of automation and a decline in the use of the phone to contact providers. But what we found was very different.

Consumers would rather stay loyal to their providers but are forced to switch because of bad service. The message from consumers to providers is clear:

Included in this Contents

  1. Providers are suffering from completely avoidable levels of churn that are costing them billions and frustrating and annoying consumers.
  2. Price as a driver of churn declined while customer service and fair treatment are becoming increasingly important in the battle for loyalty.
  3. The importance of a human service is now paramount. The role of the ‘super-agent’ – one who is intelligent, empathetic and empowered – is becoming business-critical and a driver of brand positivity.
  4. Ineffective efforts to provide automated service are frustrating and annoying consumers and putting call centers under pressure with 5863 million unnecessary calls.
  5. It’s time for a change in strategy. Stop prioritizing attracting new customers and invest in human and automated service channels that perform the way consumers expect.

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Author: Pivotal Customer