Evolving from PAM to Extended PAM

Businesses are up against many challenges that make securing privileged accounts difficult. IT environments are becoming more complex, with interconnected cloud infrastructure and SaaS applications. Simultaneously, the number and volume of identities are exploding as businesses become cloud driven. Plus, the frequency of cyberattacks is steadily increasing, resulting in a threat landscape that grows more dangerous by the day.

Threat actors are doubling down on their efforts to gain access. Even as you’re doing your best to fortify authentication requirements, cybercriminals are routinely penetrating basic defenses and gaining access to sensitive credentials. In fact, 59% of security incidents stem from credential theft, making it a top concern for businesses. According to a recent study, 74% of breached organizations admit the attack involved a privileged account. All signs indicate privileged account attacks will accelerate in the coming years.

You must take active measures to protect privileged accounts. One of the most impactful things you can do is extend and evolve Privileged Access Management (PAM) to meet new challenges.

Extended PAM (XPM) can be a game-changer.

Read on to learn about:

  • The differences between PAM and XPM
  • Why businesses need to evolve and modernize PAM
  • What the next generation of PAM looks like
  • The key components of XPM
  • Tips to achieve XPM
  • How Delinea enables XPM

This article is posted at delinea.com

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Author: Pivotal Customer